Contact Form

“Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make”

Do you have a question about our services or do you want to use them?
Please complete the form below and indicate which stage you or your child are in.
Following your registration, we will contact you within 48 hours.

Your journey starts now!

Contact form Turangoeloe

Do you have a question about our services or would you like to make use of them? Please fill in the form below completely. Following your registration, we will contact you within 72 hours. Your journey starts now!

Stap 1 van 3

  • Personal information

  • Through these 12 questions you will find out how well you are already prepared for your departure. (

What are our students saying?

Lushena Goeloe and Halima Turan are simply top professionals and do their work with a lot of love for the students. Just gone TOP!!!

Interesting new insights emerged in a conversation with Halima and Lushena. It has especially motivated me to stay focused on my goals and that making mistakes is okay, because they are also the learning moments in life!


“As you motivated me Halima, no one has. I have always followed and done what the others told me. From now on I will choose my own path and make my own choices. Thank you”